Greyhound Baseball Countdown 1 Day

Greyhound Baseball Countdown 1 Day

Tomorrow is opening day and today the program honors Alex Drew from Overland Park, Kansas. Drew played for the Hounds from the fall of 2011 to the spring of 2013 and was the team captain for the Greyhounds 2013 spring season. His leadership qualities and his selfless attitude to do whatever was needed for the team lead to his nomination as team captain. Coming off of a tough 2012 season, head coach John Hill III looked to Drew to lead a team that reached a very high level of success.

"Alex I have no problem saying is one of the best kids I have ever coached. He always did whatever was in the best interest of the program both on, and off the field. He epitomized what it means to put the team ahead of the individual, and his selflessness was a big key to our success in the 2013 season. Not only that, he was a tough nosed kid, who was very talented and produced for us. I had my doubts early on about his ability to play at this level, but to his credit he proved me wrong, and I was incredibly happy he did," Coach Hill said.

Some of Drew's accolades at Fort Scott Community College included:

  • Honorable mention KJCCC all-conference shortstop in 2013
  • First player deemed team captain for the program
  • Career .301 hitter
  • 73 career hits
  • 54 career runs scored
  • 12 career doubles

Following Fort Scott, Drew went on to play baseball at the University of Northern Colorado. He currently lives in Kansas City, Kansas.

Greyhound Baseball is set to begin its season tomorrow against Cloud County at the LaRoche Complex in Fort Scott. Game time is set for 2:00

Other Players to wear the number 1

  • Cody Jackson
  • Dylan Banach
  • Cody Tolbert

Current Greyhound wearing number 1