Greyhound Baseball Countdown 18 Days

Greyhound Baseball Countdown 18 Days

18 days remain until the Greyhound Baseball opener with Cloud County. Today the program highlights the 18 new additions to the team this season. They include: Freshman: Will Baker, Avery Boehm, Danny Crews, Darren Hasch, Boby Johnson, Alex Knight, Kevin Land, Tiger Leibrand, Kolton Meyer, Taylor Nychyk, Justin O'Laughlin, Nick Sloan, Brendan Welch, Harrison Whitworth, Cayde Williams, Mackay Williams, and Sophomores: Taylor Fajardo Conner Leach. The program expects each of these players to have a major impact on the season, and Head Coach John Hill III shared his thoughts on the new players:

"We say they are new because it is the start of the official season; however the coaches have been evaluating these players since August. We go through a rigorous fall schedule, that tests the limits of all these guys, and they have continued to impress. I am extremely excited to see what these guys do on the field in the upcoming season."
Greyhound Baseball is set to begin its season Feburary 13th against Cloud County at the LaRoche Complex in Fort Scott. Game time is set for 1:00.